Volume 1, Issue 2

Effect of Potassium Chromate on the Anaerobic Digestion of Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)


K.Swapnavahini a*, T.Srinivas b and M.Sumanth Kumar c



Anaerobic digestion involves the degradation and stabilization of organic materials under anaerobic conditions by microbial organisms and leads to the formation of biogas. Heavy metals would be stimulatory or inhibitory to anaerobic microorganisms is determined by the total metal concentration, chemical forms of the metal etc. Hence in the present work, the effect of different concentrations of Chromium as Potassium Chromate, a soluble form of chromium, on anaerobic digestion of Holy Basil (Holy Basil) was investigated in batch reactors for 45 days. The temperature and biogas were noted daily. The Total Solids (TS), Volatile Solids (VS), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen (TKN) and Phosphorous were analyzed at an interval of 5 days. The overall performance of the digester was enhanced with 2 mM concentration of the digester whereas the performance dwindled at 4 mM and 8 mM metal concentration when compared with the control digester.



PAGES : 120-124 | 41 VIEWS | 89 DOWNLOADS

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K.Swapnavahini a*, T.Srinivas b and M.Sumanth Kumar c | Effect of Potassium Chromate on the Anaerobic Digestion of Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) | DOI : https://doi.org/10.62226/ijarst20120234

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