¹Maton, S. M., ²Dodo, J. D., ¹Ibimode, A. A., ¹Ilenwabor, J. O., ¹Audu, J. & ³Dibal, J. Y.
This study evaluated environmental noise nuisance in pedagogical institutions located in Jos metropolis. Sixteen senior secondary schools and 282 senior students were selected through stratified and random sampling techniques respectively. Data were collected from 282 students using semi-structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and mean, aided by SPSS- 23 software. Results were presented in tables and charts, which revealed that, over 58% of the students are "annoyingly noisy", with only 3% of them claiming their schools are "silent". About one-half claimed noise emanated mainly from road traffic, while demolition and construction contribute the least source of noise. All the sources of noise create setbacks on students' academic outcomes by distracting their: literacy, articulacy, numeracy and graphically abilities (mean = 4.3); concentration ((mean = 4.2), reading tasks & well-being (mean = 4.1); and cognitive tasks (mean = 4.0); among others. The weakening of overall performance of students (mean = 4.3) make them "very much annoyed" (50.4%). The correlation analysis, r value 0.98 showed a strong positive relationship between high noise level and decline in the overall academic outcomes of students. The paper recommended the need for: school owners to insulate classrooms against outdoor noise, raise high fences round schools, plant sound-absorbing trees within school compounds and the Government should relocate all schools to safe environments.
PAGES : 955-960 | 23 VIEWS | 34 DOWNLOADS
¹Maton, S. M., ²Dodo, J. D., ¹Ibimode, A. A., ¹Ilenwabor, J. O., ¹Audu, J. & ³Dibal, J. Y. | Environmental Noise Nuisance in Pedagogical Institutions in Jos Metropolis, Nigeria | DOI : https://doi.org/10.62226/ijarst20230540
Journal Frequency: | ISSN 2320-1126, Monthly | |
Paper Submission: | Throughout the month | |
Acceptance Notification: | Within 6 days | |
Subject Areas: | Engineering, Science & Technology | |
Publishing Model: | Open Access | |
Publication Fee: | USD 60 USD 50 | |
Publication Impact Factor: | 6.76 | |
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