Volume 12, Issue 7

Dropout of Technical School Leaving Certificate: A case study of Nepal


Amrit Dhakal


This study focuses on the root causes for dropping out of the Technical School Leaving Certificate and then suggests to school administration, students and their parents, stakeholders, and further research for the action they need to apply to minimize student dropout from Technical School Leaving Certificate level education. This study was carried out based on an in-depth interview to analyze the cause and process of dropout. The study found different root factors of dropout students, such as - attitude problems, mismatch of curriculum and learning objectives, high expectations, physically disabled, weakness of school administration respect and recognition, laziness, and lack of motivation. On the other hand, dropouts include increased expectations, respect and honor, learning objectives and curricula, physical disabilities, and administrative carelessness. In addition, students are affected by staff behavior, working environment, working mode, and curriculum design, which need to be improved for the school administration and industry to lower the dropout rate.




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Amrit Dhakal | Dropout of Technical School Leaving Certificate: A case study of Nepal | DOI : https://doi.org/10.62226/ijarst20230736

Journal Frequency: ISSN 2320-1126, Monthly
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Subject Areas: Engineering, Science & Technology
Publishing Model: Open Access
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Publication Impact Factor: 6.76
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